Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Brrr! It's cold in here! There must be a cold front in the atmosphere!

The blackberry stems have little buds on them.  It's pretty cool outside for this time of the year. I think we went from a record high a few days ago to a record low today.  Or something like that.

My next big challenge (which was accepted) was to smoke two pork shoulders and a turkey in my drum smoker for my brother-in-law's going away party before he joins the navy and is surrounded by seamen.  That joke works better when spoken, unless you deliberately misspell seamen.  In any case, I think it can be done and will end up being delicious.

Oh and the stupid dog ate more corn plants, dug up another section of them and chewed on the picnic table.  I should change the title of the blog to "Things my dog has destroyed."


  1. If I made a blog about things my animals have destroyed it would be pretty endless as well haha.

  2. I would love to see that type of blog, haha. And silently weep at the things my dog has also destroyed ;_;

  3. LOL I'm lucky my dogs never decided to dig up my garden

  4. my dog used to destroy things too lol..

  5. "things my dog destroys" hahahaha thats brilliant! petty about the non budding plant though.

  6. My dog is dead. But now I have two other dogs, but they are not the same. For more fun stuff like this:
